Monday, May 7, 2012

Madrid from the sky !! Ok , almost !!

Another saturday morning, cool and with some ugly clouds on the horizon, so we decided to postpone the original idea to go to the Zoo to draw animals. We chose the comfort of a cafeteria installed in a ninth floor of a well-known departament store chain with a  unbeatable  views over Madrid with some cafes, croissants, etc, etc we  put in practice our skills.
My results :

Gran Vía  from Callao, in the rear the Plaza de España.

Teatro Real in the center, Catedral de la Almudena, to the left and Palacio de Oriente to the right.

Palacio de la Prensa,

From right to the left  Joaquín, Marina,Ana,Ursula,Juan Alicia and myself.


  1. ese palacio de la prensa a medio colorear esta muy bien, ...el resto también, eh!!

    1. Muchas gracias Juan por tú comentario.Saludos.
